Friday, May 20, 2011

God Is Awesome

So seriosly I havent blogged in like three years. So much has happened. We have another baby yes--hes so beautiful. His name is Maxwell David Hill. He is now two months old. Walker is eight and Luke is four. They are full of energy and they keep me busy very busy.

The Lord has worked miracles in our life. We bought and sold a house all in the same week. Anders is now a principle and the Lord has taught me that Joy real Joy comes from Him not anything else. Shoes, purses and other material things are temporary but His Joy is always. Oh you feel blue and upset, but there's this peace in knowing that no matter how you feel or what you are going through God is so much bigger.

Grace is another thing that God has really showed me through the years. I have just now really looked at grace and truly appreciate it. My kids have been a great teacher of grace. See our kids are going to do things that are wrong and that we have to as parents correct it, as an imperfect person I forgive my children of their wrongdoing and often forget their offenses. How much more does God do that for His children. oh and He's perfect. He forgives and forgets. He sent His Son to die for us. I know that I would never be able to do that. A loved on of mine lost her son and just the pain from that was

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